Family is Good gift

Doctor, I am in a lot of pain, suffering from mental agony, I have my own house, I have a blue passport, I can go wherever I want, I have a husband, I have children, everything is God's gift.

 I don't understand how to get out of mental anguish, I have been treated a lot, when a friend told me about you, I thought and talked.

 Today was our 4th session, from childhood to youth and from university to marriage and children we talked about everything, each session had two questions.

 #What could be the cause of my golden agony?

 #Why don't you prescribe any medicine?

 Today was the day, it was the day to answer all the questions, today was the day to reveal the secrets, today was the day to bring out the person who was hidden behind countless curtains, today was the day to speak the real and true things.  .  Because in today's session I had to ask written questions and read and "observe" his eyes, face, words and "body language".

 The question was asked, the cloudy sky cleared.

 "Look, when we don't see any reason for our suffering, then we should start taking account of ourselves, start looking into our necks, whose rights have been hit where, where have we shown our hearts, someone with our words.  Where did we break from, where did we pull someone's legs, where did we accuse, when did we make fun of someone's feelings by lying about whom, where did we stubbornly lie to the truth of others?  After proving it, he dropped it in the eyes of others.

 Believe me, all the answers will be found, the reasons for the tortures will also be understood and there will be some enlightenment.

 You should call Lahore, the boy whom you called "double" in front of many people, find the number of the girl whose color was made fun of and if possible, call that boy too.  Ga, who has been blocked from time to time, who was comforted for two years that she would convince the parents and did not even talk to the family and finally said that "Baba does not agree".

 When the disease is diagnosed, the medicine is prescribed, your disease is told and so is the medicine.

 Now take courage for medicine, if you can't then take repeated sessions, I will listen and repeat my words every time, after a few weeks or months you will think that this is a useless doctor, let's see another doctor.  .

 She started crying and said, "I have written down everything you said, if I dared to tell you today, I am gathering the courage to ask for forgiveness. I just need a little more help from you."

 My heart started to dance with joy, the corners of my eyes were getting wet, my hard work was not in vain, I also wrote medicine and wrote again and again, she kept taking accounts and taking consultation again and again but.  But the problem is not solved.

 "If you don't understand your pain or suffering, then just take stock of yourself once and see, even with a fleeting glance, think that somewhere I have not killed anyone's right, somewhere in the house of God.  That is, if you have not hurt anyone's heart, if your conscience is not dead, then it will definitely raise its voice once, it will definitely tell who it has hurt.


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