
Showing posts from March, 2021

Antisocial personality

   with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) can be witty, charming, and fun to be around -- but they also lie and exploit others. ASPD makes people uncaring. Someone with the disorder may act rashly, destructively, and unsafely without feeling guilty when their actions hurt other people. Modern diagnostic systems consider ASPD to include two related but not identical conditions: A " psychopath " is someone whose hurtful actions toward others tend to reflect calculation, manipulation and cunning; they also tend not to feel emotion and mimic (rather than experience) empathy for others. It is a severe form of ASPD. They can be deceptively charismatic and charming. By contrast, "sociopaths" are somewhat more able to form attachments to others but still disregard social rules; they tend to be more impulsive, haphazard, and easily agitated than people with psychopathy. ASPD affects 2% to 4% of the population and is more common in men. Symptoms People with ASPD may ofte...

، خوشبو آئی

 ہے میری طرح تمہیں آنکھوں میں کون رکھتا ہے خدا کی جیت پر ہم کو یقین ہے ورنہ دٖۓ جلا کے ہواؤں میں کون رکھتا ہے ے تیرے ساتھ تری یاد آئی کیا تو سچ مچ آئی ہے شاید وہ دن پہلا دن تھا پلکیں بوجھل ہونے کا مجھ کو دیکھتے ہی جب اس کی انگڑائی شرمائی ہے اس دن پہلی بار ہوا تھا مجھ کو رفاقت کا احساس جب اس کے ملبوس کی خوشبو گھر پہنچانے آئی ہے ے آج بہت دن بعد میں اپنے کمرے تک آ نکلا تھا جوں ہی دروازہ کھولا ہے اس کی خوشبو آئی ہے ایک تو اتنا حبس ہے پھر میں سانسیں روکے بیٹھا ہوں ویرانی نے جھاڑو دے کے گھر میں دھول اڑائی ہے ے حسن سے عرض شوق نہ کرنا حسن کو زک پہنچانا ہے ہم نے عرض شوق نہ کر کے حسن کو زک پہنچائی ہے ہم کو اور تو کچھ نہیں سوجھا البتہ اس کے دل میں

Weight loss within 7 days

Follow ing this diet chart 📈 Eat a high protein breakfast. ... Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. ... Drink water before meals. ... Choose weight -loss-friendly foods. ... Eat soluble fiber. ... Drink coffee or tea. ... Base your diet on whole foods. ... Eat slowly. you want to burn fat fast there is no getting around cardio training. ... Reduce refined carbs. ... Add fatty fish to your diet. ... Start the day with a high protein breakfast. ... Drink enough water. ... Reduce your salt intake. ... Consume soluble fiber. you want to burn fat fast there is no getting around cardio training. Studies find that this is the most effective form of exercise to reduce belly fat. 

وزن کم کرنے

 .  ناشتہ نہ چھوڑیں  ناشتہ چھوڑنا آپ کو وزن کم کرنے میں مدد نہیں دے گا۔  آپ ضروری غذائی اجزاء سے محروم ہوسکتے ہیں اور آپ دن بھر زیادہ نمکین ختم کرسکتے ہیں کیونکہ آپ کو بھوک لگتی ہے۔  صحتمند ناشتے کی ترکیبیں دیکھیں  2. باقاعدہ کھانا کھائیں  دن کے وقت مستقل اوقات کھانا کھانے سے کیلوری جلانے میں مدد ملتی ہے۔  اس سے چربی اور شوگر کی زیادہ مقدار میں کھانے پینے کی چیزوں پر ناشتہ کرنے کا لالچ بھی کم ہوجاتا ہے۔  سختی سے کھانے کے بارے میں مزید معلومات حاصل کریں  3. بہت سارے پھل اور سبزی کھائیں  پھل اور سبزی میں کیلوری اور چربی کم ہوتی ہے ، اور فائبر زیادہ ہوتا ہے - وزن میں کامیاب وزن میں کمی کے ل for 3 ضروری اجزاء۔  ان میں وٹامنز اور معدنیات کی بھی کافی مقدار ہوتی ہے۔  اپنے 5 A دن حاصل کرنے کے بارے میں پڑھیں  4. زیادہ متحرک ہو  فعال رہنا وزن کم کرنے اور اسے دور رکھنے کی کلید ہے۔  بہت سارے صحت کے فوائد فراہم کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ ، ورزش اضافی کیلوری کو ختم کرنے میں مدد مل سکتی ہے جو آپ صرف غذا کے ذریعہ نہیں کھو سکتے ہیں۔ ...

color psychology and applied it to human personality traits.

  Almost everybody has a favorite color, or if not a specific favorite at least a color choice that draws your attention more than others. Like that moment when you see a shiny car, or a new appliance    in your favorite color and think, “That color is SO me.” Your favorite color is said to define a part of who you are, offering an inside look into your own personality and behavioral traits. Each shade of the rainbow triggers a certain psychological response, and can change not only your mood but the mood of others around you. That being said, the color you choose to decorate your home or kitchen can say a lot about you and the environment of your household. Whether or not you believe in the psychology behind your color choice, there's no denying that the shades you cover your home in can set the tone or mood of your surroundings When a   color speaks to you, it speaks to you, and will most likely become the default shade you pick when faced with a color collect...

Shab- e- Barat 2021

  Shab e Barat is a night which many Muslims revere as the night of forgiveness, praying the whole night asking Allah to bestow them with His blessings. The Month of Shaban: Shaban is the 8th month of the Islamic Calendar. It is a month of blessings and asking Allah for forgiveness. The same is also evident from the following Hadiths about this blessed month: Aishah bint Abu Bakr (R.A.)  reported that: "The Messenger of Allah did not fast in any month of the year more than he did in Shaban. He used to fast all of Shaban." (An-Nasai: 2180) Our beloved Prophet (S.A.W.) used to fast all days during this month. This fact clearly shows the virtues and importance of the month of Shaban. Shab-e-Barat according to Hadith: First of all, there are no Sahih Hadiths or verses in the Quran that clearly point-out or talk about the significance of the night. However, especially in South Asia, many people celebrate thenight, spending time in worship of Allah. However, there are some Daaif Ha...

Pakistan faces 3rd wave of deadly COVID-19

Islamabad: Authorities in Pakistan have cautioned against the third and deadlier wave of COVID-19 in the backdrop of surge in COVID-19 cases recently. The new phenomenon according to the Minister for Planning, Commission & Special Initiative Asad Umar is linked to the UK strain that is already known to transmit more easily and spreads faster than the Wuhan (China) strain. Umar said since Pakistan’s first death in March last year and until now in 2021, the fatality rate saw a clear and sustained increase and “We had speculated that it might be linked to this strain but now the international report has also established it.” Cities with a higher number of Pakistanis living in the UK have a higher positivity rate. “So this is a very dangerous situation that is developing,” the Minister said.   2,338 new cases The novel coronavirus cases continue to increase in Pakistan and on Saturday, 2,338 new cases were reported. The country’s infections have already surpassed an alarming figure...

Spring Season in Pakistan

The duration of  spring  in  Pakistan  is from February to  April. The  weather  in  spring  is moderate neither too hot nor too cold. The chillness of the earth gains the warmth of the sun. During  spring , there is greenery everywhere; the plants start growing and blooming beautiful flowers and bearing fruits  Spring  is the time of year when many things change—including the  weather .  Temperatures can swing back and forth between balmy and frigid. Sunny days may be  followed by a week of stormy  weather . Sometimes extreme  weather  changes can occur  even within the same day. Temperatures Become Pleasant: During  Spring  the earth's axis is at an angle in between our closest and farthest point from the sun. The temperatures become more moderate and people can say goodbye to the frigid winter and enjoy the transition  before  hot summer kicks in .   It springs from...

Lifestyle that influence on health

    This article is designed to give tips to readers about how they can improve or augment actions in their life to have a healthy lifestyle; it is not meant to be all inclusive but will include major components that are considered to be parts of a lifestyle that lead to good health. In addition to the tips about what people should do for healthy living, the article will mention some of the tips about avoiding actions (the don'ts) that lead to unhealthy .living. Healthy living" to most people means both physical and mental health are in balance or functioning well together in a person. In many instances, lifestyle that influence on health can be categorized in some items: Diet and Body Mass Index (BMI) : Diet is the greatest factor in lifestyle and has a direct and positive relation with health. Poor diet and its consequences like obesity is the common healthy problem in urban societies. Unhealthy lifestyle can be measured by BMI. Urban lifestyle leads to the nutriti...